Rječnik podataka

Kolona Vrsta Označi Opis
Schedule text
Noncandidate Committee Name text
Type text
Area, Scope, or Jurisdiction text
Source text
Election Period text
Election Year text
Reg No text
Candidate Name text
Office text
District text
County text
Party text
CC Reg No text
Name text
Date text
Amount text
Aggregate text
Support/Oppose text
Employer text
Occupation text
Address 1 text
Address 2 text
City text
State text
Zip Code text
Non-Monetary (Yes or No) text
Category text
Description text
Misc Amount text
ID text
Forgiven text
Method text
To Whom text
Independent Expenditure text
Reporting Period text
Mapping Location text
InOutState text
Range text
New Georeferenced Column text

Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Zadnje ažuriranje podataka 10. maj 2024.
Zadnje ažuriranje meta podataka 10. maj 2024.
Kreirano nepoznato
Format CSV
Licenca Creative Commons Attribution
Kreiranoprije 4 godine
Ckan urlhttps://opendata.hawaii.gov
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
On same domainTrue
Original urlhttps://opendata.hawaii.gov/dataset/0b81e422-5943-4d8b-a082-ba6ebfe4f728/resource/61f25c5a-77e3-46da-82ec-017adf465d81/download/ncconsolidateddataset-utf8.csv
Package id0b81e422-5943-4d8b-a082-ba6ebfe4f728
Resource id61f25c5a-77e3-46da-82ec-017adf465d81
Task created2024-05-10 00:58:00.817483
Url typeupload