Hawaii Directory Of Green Employers

The Hawai'i Directory of Green Employers is a growing online directory of green employers in Hawai'i. The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) defines green employers as businesses that employ workers in occupations in these core areas:

• Generate clean, renewable, sustainable Energy • Reduce pollution and waste; conserve natural resources; recycle • Energy efficiency • Education, training and support of green workforce • Natural, sustainable, environmentally-friendly production

The Directory contains employers’ self-posted profiles that describe their operations, specify their core occupations, and describe the skills and education they want in employees. Jobseekers, students, their counselors and advisors, and others can access the employer profiles to learn about these companies and the workers they require.

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Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Autor data.hawaii.gov
Održava Bill
Zadnja izmjena decembar 12, 2019, 21:01 (UTC)
Kreirano decembar 12, 2019, 21:00 (UTC)
Data dictionary/variable list
Department Agency short name, acronym DLIR
Department/Agency Labor & Industrial Relations
Division name Research and Statistics Office
Division shortname, acronym R & S
Frequency every 6 months
Line of Business Workforce Management
Period of Coverage
Records Reporting System RSN
Reference for Technical Information
State of Hawaii Data Book Category Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings
Unit of Analysis