Professional and Vocational Licensing (PVL) Search

This website allows you to search for information about professionals licensed by DCCA. Please check the PVL web site for a list of those professions. Other professionals may be licensed by other Federal, State, or local government agenciesSome licensed companies have licensed employees associated with the company. These companies include contractors that have a responsible managing entity (RME) and real estate companies that have a principal broker (PB).

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Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrijednost
Održava Todd Rasmussen - DCCA
Zadnja izmjena decembar 12, 2019, 20:51 (UTC)
Kreirano decembar 12, 2019, 20:51 (UTC)
Data dictionary/variable list
Department Agency short name, acronym DCCA
Department/Agency Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Division name Professional and Vocational Licensing
Division shortname, acronym PVL
Line of Business Commerce & Consumer Affairs
Period of Coverage
Records Reporting System RSN
Reference for Technical Information
State of Hawaii Data Book Category Banking, Insurance, and Business Enterprise
Unit of Analysis